Last updated

Win Notification

  • MediaMath delivers Win Notifications to the configured Custom Bid Router endpoints over HTTPS.
  • The content type for the body of the request is set when the endpoint is configured. Therefore JSON (Content-Type: application/json) and Binary protobuf (Content-Type: application/protobuf) are supported.
  • The Win Notification will be forwarded to the Custom Bid Router endpoints within seconds.
  • Custom Bid Router does not implement a retry logic in case the Win Notification does not deliver successfully.
  • Logging to S3 is currently not supported.
  • Sample Rate is set to 100% (the full stream), but can be adjusted.

Win Notification Protobuf definition

The Win Notification Protobuf definition can be found here:

Setup Win Notification Endpoint

To setup a Win Notification Endpoint, follow the Win Notification Endpoint documentation

For every Win Notification Endpoint added, the endpoint_type field needs to be set to "win".

Win Notification Sample Rate

The sample rate of an endpoint can be adjusted to selectively forward only a percentage of the Win Notifications. The sample rate can be adjusted collectively for all endpoints of an executor.

curl -X PATCH \{org_id}/executors/4 \
    -d '{"sample_rate": 75,
         "endpoint_type": "win"}' \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer <oauth_access_token>'

Win Notification Example Request and Response


Request Header

The X-Timeout header is set to 400ms. Which means that Custom Bid Router sets a deadline of 400ms for the win notification response to arrive. If it takes longer than 400ms, an error will be logged on the Grafana Dashboard.

Content-Type: application/protobuf
X-Timeout: 400

Request Body Example (protobuf decoded)

ExchangeAuctionIDExchange Auction ID we receive8118261190986958665
AuctionIDMM Auction ID unique to MM3023274093253060000
BidPriceCpmBid price at CPM level in USD0.46974
ClearPriceCpmAmount SSP tells us the CPM cost once we have won auction0.469363
TotalSpendTotal Spend CPM including all tracked fees0.899475
MmUuidIdentifier for the user who received the ad93e75a86-036a-4000-9679-000000000000
AdvertiserIDID of the Advertiser in MediaMath for the campaign that won the impression123456
CampaignIDCampaign ID for the impression win event123456
StrategyIDID for the impression win event at the granular strategy level123456
CreativeIDUnique identifier that identifies the creative used in displaying the impression123456
BidTimestampConverted to unix timestamp (note: will be at seconds and not milliseconds). In UTC time.2020-05-26 13:27:23


The Win Notification Response is expected to return the following Response back to Custom Bid Router.

Response Header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Grafana Stats

  • Win Notifications by Datacenter: shows the attempt Win Notification Requests
  • Win Notification Responses by Datacenter: shows successful Win Notification Responses
  • Win Notification Response Code Distribution: shows the Win Notification Response Code Distribution (expected 200)
  • Win Notification Response Latency Distribution: shows the Win Notification Response Latency (max allowed 40ms)