Private Marketplace Direct (PMP-E)
Update Deal
You can read more about deals and deal groups (including adding them through T1), deal ownership, and deal best practices here. You may also find it useful for exploring input values.
Note: The owner type and ID cannot be altered once the deal has been created.
Bill recipient when creating a deal
the identifier used within a bid request to reference the deal
When updating deal to type PG
, price_type
must be set to FIXED
and valid start_datetime
and end_datetime
must be present.
string / timestamp as full RFC 3339 date strings including timezone offsets: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-##:##
List of entities that are allowed to target this deal, which should be either the owner entity or sub-entities of the owner entity. if a higher-level entity is included, then do not include any lower-level entity that is part of the included higher level entity. for example, if an organization X is listed in this parameter, then automatically all agencies and advertisers that are part of the organization X will be included and listing any such agencies and advertisers part of organization X will cause a validation error.
The deal is a "FLOOR" price deal (bids must be above this floor, and will likely clear above this floor) or "FIXED" price deal (bids must be at this price or above, and will clear at the fixed price)
string / timestamp as full RFC 3339 date strings including timezone offsets: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-##:##
the id of the publisher if the supply_source_id is set to 83 (BidSwitch)
curl -i -X POST \
'{id}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \
-H 'Cookie: adama_session=<<sessionid>>' \
-d '[object Object]'
"data": {
"bill_type": "EXCHANGE",
"created_on": "2019-08-19T14:14:59+00:00",
"deal_identifier": "somethingelselongerstring3",
"deal_type": "STANDARD",
"description": "My First Deal Update",
"end_datetime": "2999-12-31T05:00:00+00:00",
"entity_type": "deal",
"id": 384607,
"name": "Alec",
"owner": {
"id": 464566,
"type": "INTERNAL"
"permissions": {
"advertiser_ids": [],
"agency_ids": [],
"all_organizations": true,
"organization_ids": []
"price": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"value": "2.7500"
"price_method": "CPM",
"price_type": "FLOOR",
"start_datetime": "2999-03-13T16:39:22+00:00",
"status": true,
"sub_supply_source_id": null,
"supply_source_id": 41,
"updated_on": "2019-08-19T14:58:33+00:00"
"meta": {
"status": "ok"
curl -i -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: string'
No response example
Create a Deal Group
Deal Groups are a feature that will allow you and your team to package individual deals into groups. This should streamline targeting, improve marketability (ex. creating a viewability deal group), and simplify bulk updating of strategies targeting deals.
Deal Groups Ownership and Targeting Permissions: Ownership: Deal Groups can be created at the Organization, Agency, or Advertiser level of the T1 hierarchy. The creating entity (ex. Agency Z) owns the Deal Group, and any users with access to that entity can edit the Deal Group. Similarly, individual deals can be created at the Organization, Agency, or Advertiser level. The creating entity owns and can edit the deal. A Deal Group can only include deals which have the same owning entity as the Deal Group. This means that a Deal Group created by Agency Z can only include deals owned by Agency Z. That Deal Group cannot include deals created by any other entity, including Agency Z’s parent Organization or subsidiary Advertisers. Like deals, ownership of a Deal Group cannot change once it is created. Please consider this when creating deals and Deal Groups and developing targeting strategies. Targeting: Targeting permissions are set within individual deals. The default setting permissions all sub-entities of the deal owning entity to target the deal. For example, a deal created by Org X will by default be targetable by all agencies, advertisers and their strategies within Org X. Targeting permissions can also be restricted to particular subsidiary entities of the owning entity. For example, a deal may be created at the Agency level, but only permission targeting for two out of three advertisers within that agency. There are no targeting permissions set within a deal group. Deal Groups instead honor the targeting permissions of the deals within them. Inside a strategy, users can expand Deal Groups to view the deals within them. Users will only be able to view deals which they are permissioned to target. Deals showing in gray are inactive.
Note: the text above, with screenshots of T1 editing, can be found here
curl -i -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \
-H 'Cookie: string' \
-d '[object Object]'